Sunday, November 30, 2008

"growth" vs. "fixed" minds

this video is an interview with carol dweck a psychology professor. the video is about the debate on if a child's mind is developed over time or is it already fixed on the intellect it can obtain. the study was performed into different groups and the subjects were not told what exactly was going on. one group was taught new things to develop their brain and the second group learned study skills. the group that learned new things seemed to actually benefit more from what was going on.

Carols experiment although not conclusive was very informative and she rose some good points. the human brain is a muscle and only gets strong by using it and challenging it. she also said that children's brains get stronger as they are challenged.

i feel that the findings in this video are pretty much common sense. we all know that you have to challenge your brain to get smarter and to learn. as a teacher i will challenge my students learn and help to develop there thinking so that they will be valuable assets to their communities.

edm 310 podcasts

the podcast in class were very fun to be involved with, although it made allot of people nervous. Some where better than others but all of the podcast were performed by first timers and were not expected to be great in the first place. there are several ways to approve the podcast in the future.

One of the main ways the podcast could be improved is just by getting more experience performing them. experience will led the performers to better speakers and speak more clearly while making there points so that the listeners can follow more easily.many of the podcast seemed like they were being stretched out to make the time quota and that led to some confusion. this may have been due to lack of preparation from the participants or just due to a simple fast talking problem.

as long as the experience factor is taken care of i feel like some of the students could be very good a performing podcast in the future. I know that i found them very entertaing while they were being recorded and interesting when i listened to some of them on the computer. in the end i felt like all of my classmates did there best and that they gave 110 percent and did rather well considering it was our first time. this experiment was one of the most interesting things i have been apart of and has opened my mind to the possibility of using podcast for group projects in the future.

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Edible schoolyard is about just that an edible schoolyard or garden where the kids learn to plant crops. they also learn to cook, be on a team and water plants among other things.
global village video is on a global realization project. This program raises awareness of hunger and diversity throughout the world. the done in perryvill Arkansas on the heifer ranch. it is run basically like a kid survivor.

I believe that these videos hello me as a teacher by just giving me ideas of how there are so many different ways to teach. It gives me a goal of finding a new better way to teach that people have not found yet. kids learn all kinds of different ways and we should use all of the resources and try all kinds of different things in our pursuit of knowledge.

Also these videos raised a valuable point. global and environmental issues are very important to teach children and are often over looked. I remember as i was going through school i never was taught the things that theses kids are learning and to this day don't know some of this stuff. educators should take this in to account and try to at least introduce children to new things on a regular bases even if they will not be able to implement them all the time.

wbgh: a night on a coral reef

I watched the video about the coral reef on the 9 thorough 12 section. the video is a documentary on the animals that live on and in the coral reef. it also describes what forms a coral reef and that the shelter attracts the fish to stay there.

In education visual learning is a very useful tool. some kids learn better by watching things in action or being shown how to perform a task. Now that i tunes has put podcast like this one up for anyone to download it opens a whole new world of topics that teachers can teach and have some visual references to back up the things they are teaching to the students.

Videos like these were very educational as i came through grade school. i remember watching videos like this one in several different classes and they helped me to develop the knowledge base that i have to day. this video has proabley already introduced kids to things they have never heard of before

podcasts are fun

a podcast is a great way to teach. it can be done several ways. the most popular way is to just record lecture on a topic of your choice. this type of podcast is just as if you were attending a class lecture. the other main way to perform a podcast is a semi formal discussion based question and answer type of session. this type gives you a since of being in the discussion.

The class lecture style is mostly done as a formal lecture but can sometimes be done as a casual talk. This style is the best way to give a bunch of information in a given period. it is also a great tool when focusing on a single topic for a extended period of time. one negative on the lecture blog style is that it is most times less entertaining and can be boring at times when compared to the discussion based podcast.

The multi speaker podcast can be done as formal lectures but are mainly performed as a causal talk between a few people. these discussion can be done on a variety of topics in on one podcast and can give a lot of information but is not very detailed. The discussion are pretty entertaining and give you a since of being in the room with the speakers kinda like a mourning radio show. the cons are the discussions are sometimes vague and there is a possibility of people interrupting each other.

All in all podcast are the future of learning. Home work and maybe even class will be done on itunes and broadcasts to further the learning experience and continue the growth that we start at the school. podcast could also get the parents involved and help kids to answer that age old question of "so what did you learn at school today".

Monday, November 17, 2008

the last lecture

Randy Pausch's last lecture was a very emotional and inspirational speech on what was at first achieving your childhood dreams. The lecture ended up being a verbal how to on living your life and achieving the goals that you set for yourself no matter what obstacles or "brick walls" you run into through out the adventure of life. The lecture was also very informal and felt like he was just talking with friends in a living room when in actuality he was speaking in front of an absolutely packed auditorium at Carnegie Melon the university where he works.

I contributing factors that helped make the lecture a success where quite obvious throughout the entire video. Randy Paush, as he states in the video, is a great sales men and knows how to talk to people and also how to tell the occasional joke or two. In top of being articulate Randy is also an extremely gifted educator who has been on the cutting edge of his profession since he began. He states that he loves to use what he calls "head fake learning". Head fake learning is explained as teaching a student something valuable through a game or activity that is fun and exciting to the point the student forgets they are in class or studying. The final evident factor is that Randy Paush has cancer and is able to still live his life to the fullest and even though he only has a little time left he is still having fun. I believe that this experience gave randy the necessary hindsight and foresight to make such a pivotal speech.

The lecture was in fact a motivational one. but, at the same time it seemed to be a sort of don't feel sorry for me i achieved all of my goals kind of thing, which is fine. If one can use their life to motivate others to teach, learn, or even create projects they should do it because once you get someone thinking that the possibilities are endless their is no limit to what that person can achieve. Mr. Paush's lecture achieved this goal and more. It moved and motivated everyone in the room and it was visually evident and showed that emotion coupled with experience is a great teaching tool.

This lecture should be passed around to all educators to show how you can motivate your students and maybe get some motivation for yourself too. also the lecture can show you how effective the ability to sell a topic is in the world of education. Lastly, make teaching fun. I think that was randy's main teaching point let the students use their imagination and make efforts to apply head fakes in your lesson plans.