Saturday, November 29, 2008

podcasts are fun

a podcast is a great way to teach. it can be done several ways. the most popular way is to just record lecture on a topic of your choice. this type of podcast is just as if you were attending a class lecture. the other main way to perform a podcast is a semi formal discussion based question and answer type of session. this type gives you a since of being in the discussion.

The class lecture style is mostly done as a formal lecture but can sometimes be done as a casual talk. This style is the best way to give a bunch of information in a given period. it is also a great tool when focusing on a single topic for a extended period of time. one negative on the lecture blog style is that it is most times less entertaining and can be boring at times when compared to the discussion based podcast.

The multi speaker podcast can be done as formal lectures but are mainly performed as a causal talk between a few people. these discussion can be done on a variety of topics in on one podcast and can give a lot of information but is not very detailed. The discussion are pretty entertaining and give you a since of being in the room with the speakers kinda like a mourning radio show. the cons are the discussions are sometimes vague and there is a possibility of people interrupting each other.

All in all podcast are the future of learning. Home work and maybe even class will be done on itunes and broadcasts to further the learning experience and continue the growth that we start at the school. podcast could also get the parents involved and help kids to answer that age old question of "so what did you learn at school today".

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