Sunday, September 14, 2008

best of april

The blog that i read was the best of April called 180 days and it is all about the limited time that the average teacher has for actual instruction. the PowerPoint shows that the 180 days of school are reduced to around 120 days due to things like tests, pep rallies, absences, etc. the maker of the slides mentioned they are not absolute and the slide its self is supposed to be a discussion starter and does not think all theses "wasted days" are a waste of time.

Still being a student the only experience i have with high school is actually being a student in high school and being a part of the pep rallies and tests. when i was in school i remember days before vacations and things like that. they were full of talking about how your were going to spend the time and little or no teaching going on. I don't believe that one can change this much due to the fact that you are working with kids and kids get excited when they are going to have some free time. but then again i guess we all get excited when where going to have some free time or any break fir the normal day routine i guess its not an age thing as much as it is human nature.

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