Sunday, September 7, 2008

international classroom blogs

The first class' blog is from new zealand and is tahught by a women named Jody Hayes. she teaches 10 and 11 year old students. the sites url is Ms.Hayes' class blog. due to the layout of the site and the age of the students it makes me think the blog is ment for the students partents so that they are able to follow along with the classroom ciriculum.

The second class that i found was actually a link on the first's blog. The class is a first grade from canada. the class is taught by Kathy Cassidy and is a great blog. the site has several pictures and even has a video of what the class has been doing while at school. The students contribute to the site also by participating with the videos, pictures, and even practing thier writing. the address for the blog is Mrs. Cassidy's class blog

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